Washington plays Russian roulette with missile defense

'Washington plays Russian roulette with missile defense'

RT Op-Edge
Published time: December 26, 2013 14:57

In his recent annual meeting with the media, Russian President Vladimir Putin replied to a question about the rumored placement of Russian Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad on Poland's doorstep... To read further, click here

Israel Emerging as a Giant Energy Player

Israel Emerging as a Giant Energy Player

Veterans Today
Published time: Published on 21 December, 2013

Little-noticed by the rest of the world amid the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program and the collapse of the Free Syrian Army is the clear emergence of an entirely new global energy giant in the volatile Middle East. For the first time since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, that country has discovered what seem to be huge reserves not only of natural gas but now also of oil. Not only does it appear that Israel no longer will need to depend on Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil suppliers. Israel seems set to be in direct competition with its Arab OPEC neighbors as well as Iran for world oil and gas markets. This is a huge new geopolitical complication few have even taken into account...To read further, click here

EU Court Deals Major Defeat to GMO from BASF

EU Court Deals Major Defeat to GMO from BASF

ICPPC International Coalition To Protect The Polish Countryside
Published time: 16 December 2013 09:31

The second highest court of the EU has dealt a major defeat to the pro-GMO lobby in Europe. On December 13, the General Court of the European Union which consists of 28 judges, one from each Member State, issued a ruling that the EU Commission had failed to follow the EU's rules when approving the Amflora potato, a patented Genetically Manipulated potato of the German chemical giant and Monsanto partner, BASF. The Amflora is modified to produce extra starch for use in the paper industry. The decision, which can only be appealed on grounds of a mistaken point of law, now opens the entire EU approval process for GMO to review, something most unwanted by the embattled GMO industry... To read further, click here

Sind die Proteste in der Ukraine eine Neuauflage der US-Farbenrevolution?

Sind die Proteste in der Ukraine eine Neuauflage der US-Farbenrevolution?

KOPP Online
Published time: 12 December, 2013

Am 21. November erklärte der ukrainische Präsident Wiktor Janukowytsch beim EU-Gipfeltreffen in Vilnius, die Ukraine werde entgegen früheren Absichten kein Assoziierungs- und Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU unterzeichnen, das das Land näher an die Europäische Union herangeführt hätte. Stattdessen setzt die Ukraine auf eine Stärkung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit Russland. Seit dem Tag wird Janukowytsch bei Protestkundgebungen, die nicht immer friedlich ablaufen, aufgefordert, die Entscheidung zurückzunehmen. In einer merkwürdigen Demonstration von Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines fremden Landes reisten Victoria Nuland, die ehemalige US-Botschafterin bei der NATO, und mehrere EU-Politiker nach Kiew, wo sie mit öffentlichen Äußerungen versuchten, die Ukraine zum EU-Beitritt zu bewegen... Um weiter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier

'Hypocritical agenda': EU has only austerity to offer Kiev

'Hypocritical agenda': EU has only austerity to offer Kiev

RT Op-Edge
Published time: December 02, 2013 12:34

Mass protests in the streets of Ukraine are being orchestrated and financed from the outside while EU politicians are encouraging the revolt serving their hypocritical agenda, geopolitical analyst William Engdahl told RT... To read further, click here

Betrug und Korruption im Pentagon außer Kontrolle

Betrug und Korruption im Pentagon außer Kontrolle

KOPP Online
Published time: 7 December, 2013

In seiner Abschiedsrede als US-Präsident richtete Dwight D. Eisenhower eine äußerst prophetische Warnung an die Nation. Er sprach aus eigener Erfahrung als Fünfsterne-General der US Army im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Oberbefehlshaber der Alliierten Streitkräfte in Europa und später erster Oberkommandierender der NATO-Streitkräfte in Europa. Es lohnt sich, seine Warnung von 1961 heute noch einmal wörtlich zu zitieren, in einer Zeit, wo Betrug und Korruption im Pentagon außer Kontrolle geraten sind... Um weiter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier

The Toxic Impacts of GMO Maize: Scientific Journal Bows to Monsanto, Retracts anti-Monsanto Study

The Toxic Impacts of GMO Maize: Scientific Journal Bows to Monsanto, Retracts anti-Monsanto Study

Global Research
Published time: 6 December 2013

There exist rigid criteria for a serious scientific journal to accept a peer-reviewed paper and to publish it. As well there are strict criteria by which such an article can be withdrawn after publication. The once-respected Elsevier Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology has apparently decided to violate those procedures and has announced it is retracting a long-term study on the toxic effects of Monsanto Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)—GMO Maize–it published a year ago... To read further, click here

China plant Erdöl-Futures in Yuan statt in Dollars

China plant Erdöl-Futures in Yuan statt in Dollars

KOPP Online
Published time: December 02, 2013

Seit dem ersten Erdölschock zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre, als der damalige US-Außenminister Henry Kissinger einen Nahostkrieg manipulierte und bewusst einen Anstieg der OPEC-Rohölpreise auf das Vierfache auslöste, gilt es zwischen Washington und Saudi-Arabien als fest vereinbart, dass die OPEC ihr Erdöl ausschließlich gegen Dollars verkauft. Kissinger sprach vom »Petrodollar-Recycling«. Solange Länder wie China, Japan oder Deutschland Dollars brauchen, um Erdöl zu kaufen, wird der Dollar gestützt. Jetzt plant China, das zu ändern. Die Folgen könnten gewaltig sein, sogar militärisch... Um weiter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier

Ratted out: Scientific journal bows to Monsanto over anti-GMO study

Ratted out: Scientific journal bows to Monsanto over anti-GMO study

RT Op-Edge
Published time: December 02, 2013 12:34

Rigid criteria exist for a serious scientific journal to accept a peer-reviewed paper and to publish it. As well there exist strict criteria by which such an article can be withdrawn after publication.

The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology has apparently decided to violate those procedures, announcing it is retracting a long-term study on the toxic effects of Monsanto Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)—GMO Maize it published a year ago ... To read further, click here

Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift buckelt vor Monsanto, zieht kritische Studie zurück

Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift buckelt vor Monsanto, zieht kritische Studie zurück

KOPP - Online
Published time: December 02, 2013

Es gibt strenge Kriterien, nach denen eine seriöse wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift einen expertenbegutachteten Beitrag annimmt und veröffentlicht. Und es gibt strenge Kriterien, nach denen ein solcher Beitrag nach der Veröffentlichung zurückgezogen werden kann. Die vormals angesehene Zeitschrift Elsevier Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology hat sich offenbar dafür entschieden, gegen beide Verfahren zu verstoßen, denn sie hat bekannt gegeben, dass eine Langzeitstudie über die toxische Wirkung von Monsantos gentechnisch veränderten Organismen (GVO) – Gen-Mais –, die vor einem Jahr veröffentlicht wurde, zurückgezogen wird... Um weiter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier

Putin bereitet auf das Schlimmste vor und beendet Kooperation mit der NATO über Raketenabwehr

Putin bereitet auf das Schlimmste vor und beendet Kooperation mit der NATO über Raketenabwehr

KOPP - Online
Published time: 11 November, 2013

Hinter der Fassade der Kooperation zwischen der Obama-Regierung in den USA und der Putin-Regierung in Russland über den Abbau des Chemiewaffenarsenals in Syrien und einer Einigung über das Atomprogramm mit dem Iran läuft eine eiskalte Eskalation von Spannungen, die in den westlichen Medien kaum zur Kenntnis genommen wird. Im Zentrum der Spannungen steht Washingtons hartnäckige Weigerung, in der Frage der »Raketenverteidigung« in Europa – die diesen Namen sicherlich zu Unrecht trägt – mit Russland zusammenzuarbeiten... Um weiter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier

Ukraine dodges 'EU death spiral'

Ukraine dodges 'EU death spiral'

RT Op-Edge Q & A Interview
Published time: November 22, 2013 04:02

The EU 'horror show' would not have offered Ukraine any financial benefits, geopolitical analyst William Engdahl told RT. He argues that multinational corporations just want to use Kiev to extract the resources of yet another European country ... To read further, click here

China, Gold Prices and US Default Threats

China, Gold Prices and US Default Threats

Veterans Today Interview
Published time: 17 October, 2013

Since August 1971 when US President Richard Nixon unilaterally tore up the Bretton Woods Treaty of 1944 and told the world that the Federal Reserve Gold Discount Window was permanently closed, Wall Street banks and US and City of London financial powers have done everything imaginable to prevent gold from again becoming the basis of trust in a currency ... To read further, click here

Awarding Nobel Peace Prize to OPCW was a 'political dodge'

Awarding Nobel Peace Prize to OPCW was a 'political dodge'

RT Op-Edge Q & A Interview
Published time: 11 October, 2013 21:12

The OPCW may be performing the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria, but it was Russian President Vladimir Putin, who deserved the Nobel Peace Prize as it was his initiative, which prevented World War III, political analyst F. William Engdahl told RT. ... To read further, click here

You can have even Donald Duck as chairman, real control of Fed rests with private bankers

You can have even Donald Duck as chairman, real control of Fed rests with private bankers

The Voice of Russia World Service Q & A Interview
Published time: 10 October, 2013 1:40

For the first time in history a woman is to head the US Central Bank. Janet Yellen will be appointed by President Obama to run the powerful US Federal Reserve. Her nomination has been expected ever since former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers withdrew his candidacy. William Engdahl, a freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher, talked with the Voice of Russia about Ms Yellen's appointment ... To read further, click here

'Iranian threat to Israel fabricated by international war lobby'

'Iranian threat to Israel fabricated by international war lobby'

RT Op-Edge Q & A Interview
Published time: 1 October, 2013 16:55

Iran "isn't insane enough" to attack Israel with its advanced military and all the talk about the threat coming from Tehran is being artificially fueled by the US and Israel itself, geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl, told RT... To read further, click here

West can't offer Ukraine much, except more unemployment

West can't offer Ukraine much, except more unemployment

RT Op-Edge Q & A Interview
Published time: September 27, 2013 02:20

Shale gas exploration contracts with Western companies would only result in the environmental degradation of Ukraine, geopolitical analyst William Engdahl told RT, adding that Kiev's future is not with the West but with Russia... To read further, click here

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Syria gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda

RT Op-Edge Q & A Video Interview
Published time: 21 August, 2013 15:12

The reports of massive chemical attacks in Syria might become the "red line" for the US for active military intervention. But even rudimentary analysis of the story shows it is too early to believe its credibility... To read further, click here

Saudi King Abdullah

Saudi King Backs Egypt Military defying Washington

By F. William Engdahl Published: 18 August, 2013

This website was one of the few to report that the Egyptian military's removal by forced of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi and his entire government was undertaken with firm secret backing of Saudi Arabia and several Gulf oil states...Read Further

Obama Putin Aug 2013

Obama, Statemanship and Russia. The Stark Reality

By F. William Engdahl Published: 14 August, 2013

With a diplomatic attitude more reminiscent of a spoiled brat grabbing his toys and leaving the room, US President Obama has resorted to diplomatic snubs and childish criticisms of Russian behavior as if the Russian leaders were small children....Read Further

Full Spectrum Dominance

US is involved in 'Hot War' with Russia, fought by proxies

RT Op-Edge Q & A Interview
Published time: 11 August, 2013 17:17

Edward Snowden is a 'red herring' and the 'childish' cancelation by Obama of a meeting with Putin in September is of little significance as the US president has little to offer Russia, William Engdahl a geopolitical analyst, told RT..... Continued

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Pakistan to become the new 'major terror ground' in just six months

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 9 August, 2013
RT Op-Edge

Developing Pakistan-China ties which can drastically change the economic map of the region are threatened by Pakistani separatism, which might suddenly transform into another 'terror ground.' As Washington continues sending its development assistance aid in the form of drones to bomb civilians illegally inside Pakistan's borders, allegedly to go after Taliban fighters, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recently completed... Click here to continue reading

Saudis' Unprecedented Break with Washington over Egypt

Saudis' Unprecedented Break with Washington over Egypt

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 8 July, 2013

One of the least commented aspects of ousting Egypt's Morsi is the defiant act of the Saudi Royal House in backing the ouster of the Brotherhood and supporting the military restoration. The Saudi move is unprecedented in its open defiance of White House declared backing for the Muslim Brotherhood. The implications of the split are huge.... Click here to continue reading


Washington Islamist strategy in crisis as Morsi toppled

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 4 July, 2013

The swift action by Egypt's military to arrest Mohamed Morsi and key leaders of his Muslim Brotherhood organization on July 3 marks a major setback for Washington's "Arab Spring" strategy of using political Islam to spread chaos from China through Russia across the energy-rich Middle East. ..... Click here to continue reading

Monsanto's Deception Game on GMO in Europe

Monsanto's Deception Game on GMO in Europe

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 3 June, 2013

On May 31 world media headlines read similar to this from Reuters: "Monsanto backing away from GMO crops in Europe." The original source for the story is attributed to a German left daily, TAZ which printed excerpts from an interview with an official spokeswoman of Monsanto Germany... Click here to continue reading

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Boston and the CIA 'Snafu': The grey eminence behind Turkey's Erdogan and the AKP

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 25 May, 2013

In the first part, geopolitical analyst William Engdahl discussed the role of CIA's Graham Fuller in creating the policy of using angry Jihadist Muslims as trained terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere against the Soviet Union. Herein—largely drawing on the revelations made by FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edwards—Engdahl throws the spotlight on the entire CIA-sponsored Islamic Jihadist operations run through Fetullah Gülen across Turkey into Central Asia and Russia and China...... Click here to continue reading

Graham Fuller, Uncle Ruslan, the CIA and the Boston Bombings

Graham Fuller, Uncle Ruslan, the CIA and the Boston Bombings

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 20 May, 2013

Are there too many coincidences in the Boston Bombings official narrative to call them coincidences? Behind each one lurks the shadow of Graham Fuller—a top CIA strategist who famously advocated co-opting Islamic extremists to further advance the US agenda in Central Asia—and his cozy ties with the accused brothers' uncle. William Engdahl delves into the ramifications of the Fuller-Tsarni connection, the most compelling of the Boston smoking guns, and the threatening can of worms it has opened up... Click here to continue reading

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Israel's Act of War Against Syria—Madness or Cold Calculation?

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 12 May, 2013

At a time when the US and Gulf proxies are losing ground to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) nationwide, this pundit ranges in on the likely motive for Israel's recent air raids against Syria, carried out with Washington's approbation..... Click here to continue reading

Chemical Attacks in Syria

America: The New Saudi Arabia?

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 15 March, 2013

At a time when much of the world is looking with a mix of envy and excitement at the recent boom in USA unconventional gas from shale rock, when countries from China to Poland to France to the UK are beginning to launch their own ventures into unconventional shale gas extraction, hoping it is the cure for their energy woes, the US shale boom is revealing itself to have been a gigantic hyped confidence bubble that is already beginning to deflate. Carpe diem!.... Click here to continue reading

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Mali and AFRICOM's Africa Agenda: Target China

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 31 January, 2013

Out of the blue in the last days Mali has suddenly become the focus of world attention. France has been asked to militarily intervene by Mali's government to drive Jihadist terrorists out of the large parts of the country they claim. What the conflict in Mali really is about is hardly what we read in the mainstream media. It is about vast untapped mineral and energy resources and a de facto re-colonization of French Africa under the banner of human rights. The real background reads like a John LeCarre thriller.... Click here to continue reading

Chemical Attacks in Syria

Mali a US operation with France as a junior partner

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 21 January, 2013

As French soldiers pour into Mali in the fight to push back the advancing Islamist militants, questions have been raised as to the motives behind the intervention. Author William Engdahl told RT the US was using France as a scapegoat to save face..... Click here to continue reading