Washington's Geopolitical Nightmare: China and Russia boost economic cooperation

Washington's Geopolitical Nightmare: China and Russia boost economic cooperation

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 11 December 2010

Whatever internal factional battles might be going on inside Kremlin walls between Medvedev and Putin, there are clear signs of late that both Beijing and Moscow are moving decisively after long hesitation to strengthen strategic economic cooperation in the face of the obvious disintegration of America as the sole Superpower. If the recent trend is deepened it will create Washington's worst geopolitical nightmare: a unified Eurasia landmass capable of challenging America's global economic hegemony...Click here to continue reading

Wikileaks: a big dangerous US Government Con Job

Wikileaks: a big dangerous US Government Con Job

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 10 December 2010

The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. However, a closer look at the details of what has so far been carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress that of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Internet...Click here to continue reading

Bayer AG and the death of the birds

Bayer AG and the death of the birds

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 19 November 2010

Believed to be behind the decline in bee populations that has swept across many parts of the world, a new class of insecticides marketed by German chemicals giant Bayer AG is now suspected of causing the decimation of bird species. It is so effective at killing insects, that it has deprived birds of their basic food. F. William Engdahl points an accusing finger at a system where corporations fund the research, the scientists and the government agents, thus making sure all the cards are stacked in their favor...Click here to continue reading

Ackermann’s Deutsche Bank Follies: Chickens Come Home to Roost

Ackermann’s Deutsche Bank Follies: Chickens Come Home to Roost

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 4 November 2010

The earlier filing of fraud charges against Wall Street banking titan Goldman Sachs by the US Government Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was only the tip of a huge fraud iceberg. Now a US mortgage insurer has charged one of the most aggressive banks involved in the US subprime mortgage scam of fraud. The bank is none other than Deutsche Bank. This case is also likely to be just the "tip of a very big iceberg."... Click here to continue reading

The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 23 October 2010

With almost flawless political timing, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee of the Norwegian Parliament announced the giving of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese critic, political activist Liu Xiaobo. The announcement came just as US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geither was upping the pressure on the government of China to agree to a substantial revaluation of the Yuan, a move that would do little for the embattled dollar but cause great harm to China's economy. The Nobel Prize theater is part of an escalating long-term pressure strategy of Washington against China...Click here to continue reading

A Surprise Boost for Euro from China

A Surprise Boost for Euro from China

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 6 October 2010

The embattled Euro has gotten a surprise boost from an unexpected quarter―China. The country with the world's largest foreign exchange currency reserves, China, has pledged to support Greek debt as well as the Euro in what is clearly a geopolitical decision. In doing so, China has signaled it seeks to prevent the US financial warfare attack on Europe and to play the EU off against the USA in a geopolitical chess game of a fascinating dimension...Click here to continue reading

The Bizarre Background of the '9/11' New York Mosque

The Bizarre Background of the '9/11' New York Mosque

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 14 September 2010

With his habitual acumen, F. William Engdahl peers behind the scenes of the Ground Zero Mosque and the Koran burning hullabaloo. He detects a geopolitical manipulation, ultimately serving to reinforce the US Government's narrative of the disintegration of the WTC towers and to lend credence to the underlying crusader ideology of the "clash of civilizations". All of it tying in with the need to justify US military occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the expanding militarization of the region...Click here to continue reading

GMO Crop Catastrophe in USA a lesson for EU

GMO Crop Catastrophe in USA a lesson for EU

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 22 August 2010

As the European Union moves closer to approving the cultivation of GMOs despite stiff widespread opposition, it ought to be paying urgent attention to the agricultural arms race unfolding in the United States. Roundup-resistant "superweeds" are plaguing Monsanto crops across southern US states, driving farmers to use more herbicides, abandon their farms or return to conventional crops, while an increasing number are switching to organic production...Click here to continue reading

Something Stinks About Wikileaks Release of

Something Stinks About Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 20 August 2010

Coinciding with Voltaire Network's interpretation of the Wikileaks uproar, F. William Engdhal also detects the signs of a gross diversion maneuver. Conspicuously, no mention is made of the juicy Afghan drug business while retired Pakistani General Hamid Gul is conveniently framed for the breakdown of U.S. policies in Afghanistan. This is the second time that the mightiest world power is ridiculing itself by alleging that it has been outwitted at the hands of a sigle man. Remarkably, one of the few who still believes in the official 9/11-Ossama Bin Laden tale happens to be leakmaster Julian Assange...Click here to continue reading

The New Geopolitical Importance of Lubmin

The New Geopolitical Importance of Lubmin

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 10July 2010

Germany's foreign policy is split between, on the one hand, the ties it developed with the U.S. occupier during the 20th Century and, on the other hand, its economic interests vis-à-vis its historical partner, Russia. Gerard Shroder embodies this dilemma best. Formerly an atlantistic Chancellor, he is today CEO of a Russian consortium. At the geopolitical level, this contradiction centres on the port of Lubmin (near Rostock), the terminal of a German-Russian gas pipeline...Click here to continue reading

The Korean Crisis Breaking News, Cui Bono?

The Korean Crisis Breaking News, Cui Bono?

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 11 June 2010

The alleged North Korean sinking of a South Korean boat in March has dramatically escalated tensions between north and south Korea. It has also caused a reversal of a planned Japanese government push to close the US military base on Okinawa. The major question in the bizarre affair is Cui Bono?..Click here to continue reading

Gulf Oil Spill 'Could Go Years' If Not Dealt With

Gulf Oil Spill 'Could Go Years' If Not Dealt With

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 10 June 2010

The Obama Administration and senior BP officials are frantically working not to stop the world's worst oil disaster, but to hide the true extent of the actual ecological catastrophe. Senior researchers tell us that the BP drilling hit one of the oil migration channels and that the leakage could continue for years unless decisive steps are undertaken, something that seems far from the present strategy...Click here to continue reading

Washington and the Kyrgyz future—Securing the Pivot

Washington and the Kyrgyz future—Securing the Pivot

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 2 June 2010

In this fourth and final part, F. William Engdhal explains why the stakes for Washington in the Kyrgyzstan events are of vital geopolitical importance. Central Asia is key for Washington's strategy of global dominance, hinging on the militarization of the entire region. To this end, time-tested tactics of Low Intensity Warfare are generating the pretext for NATO's permanent expansion under the guise of the 'war on terror', with opium gainfully fueling the operations. In Central Asia, as Engdhal suggests, the survival of the U.S. empire hangs in the balance...Click here to continue reading

Russia and the Kyrgyzstan future

Russia and the Kyrgyzstan future

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 30 May 2010

In this third part of his work, F. William Engdhal examines the essential geopolitical importance of Kyrgyzstan for Russia, the second geopolitical player for the control of Eurasia's land space. Considering its military encirclement by NATO and the U.S., a neutral regime in Kyrgyzstan would contribute to stabilize Russia's regional environment, allowing it to reposition itself on the Central Asian chessboard. Suspected by some of having precipitated the violent events in Kyrgyzstan, Russia recently defined them as "unconstitutional"...Click here to continue reading

China and the Kyrgyz geopolitical future

China and the Kyrgyz geopolitical future

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 27 May 2010

Continuing with F. William Engdhal's analysis of what is playing out in this prize region, part two examines China's geopolitical interest in Kyrgyzstan. Triggering the 2005 Tulip Revolution were, inter alia, the growing economic ties between the two countries, of which Washington disapproved. Today, China's economic clout remains its strongest weapon in aiming not only to regain a foothold in Kyrgyzstan, crucial for its expansion into Central Asia, but also to offset the destabilising effects of the U.S. military presence in that country and in the region...Click here to continue reading

Kyrgyzstan as a Geopolitical Pivot

Kyrgyzstan as a Geopolitical Pivot

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 26 May 2010

The dust has far from settled in Kyrgyzstan after the April 2010 uprising and speculations continue to swirl around the signature behind the events. The least likely scenario is that of a spontaneous homegrown rebellion. Kyrgyzstan is a hub of competing interests involving both regional and extra-regional powers. F. William Engdhal examines the game of each of the three players with a major stake in Kyrgyzstan and in the region...Click here to continue reading

Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda

Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 5 May 2010

Voltaire Network has systematically exposed the financial ties between French-based NGO Reporters Without Borders and US Government/CIA front organizations. Officially devoted to "freedom of the press", RWB is best known for its smear campaigns against Washington's political foes like Cuba and Venezuela. RWB has recently added five new names to its "evil guys list", who also happen to fit in with Washington's destabilization agenda. F. William Engdhal examines the money trail underpinning RWB's activities in the shadow of US strategic interests...Click here to continue reading

High-stakes Eurasian Chess Game: Russia's New Geopolitical Energy Calculus

High-stakes Eurasian Chess Game: Russia's New Geopolitical Energy Calculus

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 30 March 2010

The passing of the "orange revolution" in the Ukraine has provided Russia with manifold strategic advantanges, plus the latitude to play the energy card as a diplomatic and political lever, seriously upsetting the U.S. apple cart. The ripple effects of Russia's stronger hand are posing a grave challenge to Washington's global influence and assumed sole hegemony. In this second part of his article, Engdhal dissects the far reaching implications of this crucial shift...Click here to continue reading

Ukraine Geopolitics and the US-NATO Military Agenda

Ukraine Geopolitics and the US-NATO Military Agenda

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 24 March 2010

The Ukrainian "orange revolution" lived through one presidential term. Like the rest of the coloured revolutions, it basically amounted to a coup d'état orchestrated by Washington through the manipulation of public opinion. As usual, it was the economic results of the team in power that sparked widespread disenchantment. While promising western prosperity, the government's only goal was Ukraine's accession to NATO. It's defeat - and Viktor Yanukovich's victory - deprives Washington of an indispensable piece to achieve the encirclement of Russia...Click here to continue reading

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 3 February 2010

Behind the smoke, rubble and unending drama of human tragedy in the hapless Caribbean country, a drama is in full play for control of what geophysicists believe may be one of the world's richest zones for hydrocarbons-oil and gas outside the Middle East, possibly orders of magnitude greater than that of nearby Venezuela. While bringing to light the geostrategic honeypot that Haiti has turned into, Engdahl also states his case against the advocates of the 'Peak Oil' theory...Click here to continue reading

More Global Warming Scandals Implicate IPCC Climate Scientists

More Global Warming Scandals Implicate IPCC Climate Scientists

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 22 January 2010

Only days after the failed Copenhagen Global Warming Summit, yet a new scandal over the scientific accuracy of the UN IPCC 2007 climate report has emerged. Following the major data-manipulation scandals from the UN-tied research center at Britain's East Anglia University late 2009, the picture emerges of one of the most massive scientific frauds of recent history...Click here to continue reading

European Parliament to Investigate WHO and Pandemic Scandal

European Parliament to Investigate WHO and "Pandemic" Scandal

By F. William Engdahl
Publish date: 11 Januaray 2010

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will launch an inquiry in the course of this month on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign, focusing especially on the extent of the pharma's industry's influence on WHO. The Health Committee of the PACE, a body representing 47 European nations including Russia, has unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inquiry. The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency of a "Golden...Click here to continue reading